DopeNess Quote List

1. "It's a dog eat dog world, but I'm a cat" - Dope 2017
2. "Do a line of Prussian blue just to make the day through" - Dope 2017
3. "Stop posting boobs in my chat" - Dope 2017
4. "Throw the window out the computer" - Dope 2017
5. "That is rendering like butt" - Dope 2017
6. "I'm deep up in it!" -Dope 2017
7. "You're not in my body, feeling what I feel" -Dope 2017
8. "The horse thing is still a horse." -Dope 2017
9. "Where did they put the Czech Republic?" - Dope 2017
10. "Fun is overrated" -Brian 2017
11. "Does my knoby thing not work?: -Dope 2017
12. "The D is very pretty" -Dope 2017
13. "Eating is just enabling hunger." - Dope 2017
14. "There's flowers, it can't be Russia" -Dope 2017
15. "mono mono mono mono mono mono" Dope 2017
16. "Hodor" Hodor 2015
17. "That's a grain silo.... not a castle..." Uzrnaim 2017
18. "Thats Whiz Wumples place!" Dope 2017
19. "A taco with carnitas, marshmallows, Mexican jumping beans, tomato salsa, and a Brussels sprout" The worst taco ever 2017
20. "i think that dogs taking a dump" Dope 2017
21. "maple walnut icecream....." Dope 2017
22. "This is not an operation that happens in the absence of beer" Dope 2017
23. "The anchovies and extra anchovies are Z-fighting." Doopdoopbot 2017
24. "Pants are like the least useful rain clothes"
25. "That sheep just ate my bed!" Dope 2017
26. "I do have some dead sheep... in a box" Dope 2017
27. "I'm going deeper into your hole" -Dope
28. "An idiot is definition of you" My Summer Car 2017
29. "There's something in the road, it's probably just sausages" Dope 2017
30. "Im not awake" Pred 1/1/18
31. "If you end up around a bunch of dicks, it sucks." -Dope 2018
32. "The hoes wear out so fast!" Dope 1/2/2018
33. "banana ctrl c, ctrl v" N4SR64 1/2/2018
34. "can't milk wool off a chicken" Dope 1/3/2018
36. "Looks like Chinese takeout on a forklift" Dope 8/14/2015
37. "Oh hey I've been to that place, IT SUCKED!" Dope 1/5/2018
38. "DOG! ....or is that a pig?" Dope 1/5/2018
39. " Maybe California. Maybe there are sacs to rent in Oregon." LoudGoat 1/5/2018
40. "lol" Doopdoopbot 2017
41. "Gay street has no straightaways Kappa" Beerisyum 1/5/2018
42. "DO DO! *splat* dead." Dope 1/12/2018
43. "We're getting pounded..." -Dope 01/23/2018
44. "collect moon cheese ... did you bring the crackers?" Jan 1/24/2018
45. "space udder" Jan 1/24/2018
46. "Did I just kill an innocent tree?" -Dope 1/24/2018
47. " ok, note to anyone getting a 3d printer, buy filament thats the opposite color of you print bed" - Shadowdragon72, 2/6/2018
48. "Sitting there, vibrating with power" Dope 2/5/2018
49. "lol this is not going to work" LuckySharkRacing 2/11/2018
50. "Euro Lawn-mower Simulator" Jan 2/11/2018
51. "That was entrapment! You changed the speed limit when I wasn't looking" Dope 2/11/2018
52. "Stack them up to make a leaning tower of chicken" Jan 2/11/2018
53. "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" Dope Pre-stream Testing 2/12/2018
54. "There is very few sausage that are like, I want that" Dope 2/12/2018
55. "Why is 8 blue" Dope 2/13/2018
56. "yo your turch is chiny" Dope 2/13/2018
57. "I'm not wearing a welmet" Dope 2/18/2018
58. "WaitI know what we need to make, this! I don't have any of those things" Dope 2/18/2018
59. "There's nothing here but is there something here?" -Dope The 19th day of the second month of the 2018th year of our Lord
60. "noo ca lee errrrrr" Dope 2/20/2018
61. "I was filling in a hole somewhere" Dope 2/20/2018
62. "Crack down on the butt cam, ha!" Dope 2/23/2018
63. "My hairless cat farted today and woke itself up" - Theeldestbro 2/27/18
64. "if it's mine I can smash it, if times require a smashing" Hodor 2/27/2018
65. "I still don't know why I drew a sexy tiger dude" - Dopenessmonster 02/282018
66. "I still don't know why I drew a sexy tiger dude" Dopeness 2018
67. "You olay?" Beerisyum 2/28/2018
68. "I shouldn't mock people, but it's fun" Dope 2/28/2018
69. "You've heard of rudolph the red nosed reindeer, but have you heard of Brian the red fingered human?" Pred 3/1/1018
70. "Just keep throwing money at audio and video till its at the level you want" THP777 3/1/2018
71. "Some days, all you get is a spatula" Spaz1002 3/2/2018
72. "Art is hard" Dope 3/4/2018
73. "Fire it up and let's see what happens. (10 seconds later) Okay its hurting me, IT HURTS ALOT" Dope 3/9/2018
74. "Oh, I'm in a hole now" Dope 3/9/2018
75. "you and crusher go off and grind each other" Beerisyum 3/9/2018
76. "I'm just gonna be here, pooping myself for a while" Dope 3/13/2018 (Subnautica)
77. "you can screw a nail if you want, but nailing a screw just isn't going to work that well" Dope 3/14/2018
78. "I once drew a minotaur for someone before but I did it backwards, they were not impressed" Dope 3/15/2018
79. "oof that is a meaty taco" Dope 3/16/2018
80. "Doing the thing makes you better at the thing" Dope 3/17/2018
81. "That's too much ass... Gotta get rid of some ass" Dope 3/18/2018
82. "Never too much fox ass" PredTheFox 3/18/2018
83. "Sausage and bob fest simultaneously" Beer 3/18/2018
84. "BLEACH MY EYES CHARIZARD DING DONG" inputpassword 3/18/2018
85. "I can't wait until next month when I can't remember what these quotes are about" Beer 3/18/2018
86. "Those organ things you blow through" Dopeness The 18th day of the third month of the 2018th year of our Lord
88. "I am too lazy to do it the lazy way" - Dope 3/21/2018
89. "a flock of tape-measure wielding psychos" Dope 3/21/2018
90. " I need a reference for pants on the ground" Dope 3/24/2018
91. "cows get their heads stuck in things alot I think" Dope 3/27/2018
92. "I feel like farming would be just 90% untangling cows out of things" Dope 3/27/2018
93. "Reminds me of my favourite salad, take one salad, add bacon, remove salad, eat" Tim_NZ 3/17/2018
94. "hot rod is just a regular rod in the oven" Tim_NZ 3/17/2018
95. "wow" Pred 2018
96. " I never expected I'd be making bootleg copies of music for my grandmother." Joe 3/28/2018
97. "ermg yall making me hungry im totes trying dry cake batter" Presbarkeep 3/24/2016
98. "I let forth my mighty manly bellowing war cry" Beerisyum 4/9/2018
99. "do they even have trains in south africa" Dope
100. "Don't be afraid of erasing things" Dope
101. "I dont think doopdoop should be in the kitchen" Dope 4/20/2018
102. "icebergs... but on land" Dope 4/24/2018 (geoguessr)
103. "I never thought I'd say this but can we go back to furries now" Catboyking 4/24/2018
104. "I wonder what i have that smells the best" Dope 4/26/2018
105. "Cocaine smells like a good time" -Dope 04/26/2018
106. "I get let known.... what?" Dope 4/30/2018
109. "I think its just a bad statue guys" - DeathDragon58 4/30/2018
110. "don't dis the tactical fish" Raptorscream 5/1/2018
111. "I don't, I don't fancy that" Dope (minecraft) 5/2/2018
112. "pffft, theres no OSCHA in the nether" Dope 5/2/2018
113. "if their mascot was a cat, would it be Hell-OSHA-Kitty?" Dope 5/2/2018
114. "Current Doop Army" Shadowdragon72
115. "They only care about it (escalators) when it goes wrong and eats someone" Dope 5/8/2018
116. "Someone that will remember to do that remember to do that" beerisyum 5/9/2018
117. "Does the car have guns? Like, are the headlights replaced with machine guns or something?" - DopeNessMonster 5/9/2018
118. "a steaming taco with mashmallows, barbacoa, a boiled potato, chicken and fish" literaly the worst taco of 2018
119. -Hodor 11/15/2017
120. "de-fence-ive driving" cartoonwolf 5/13/2018 (wreckfest)
121. "doimph" Dope 5/14/2018
122. "240z engine noises" Dope
123. "It's a nard top convertible" aharmlesspie 5/20/2018
124. "mudcrawpuppydadfish" Jan 5/22/2018
125. "we're going to start a new cult where we go around farting on everybody" Dope 5/22/2018
126. "would you eat an icecream cone you personaly farted on" dope 5/22/2018
127. "Unicorn Shaped Power-Bank" just for ccrusher1
128. "You Learned CHAIR!" Raft 2018
129. "doopdoop chulupa" DeathDragon58 5/27/2018
130. "Just eat frosting? I'm no barbarian." Beerisyum 5/28/2018
131. "i just pitted a guy, who pitted a guy and I think they all ded" Dope 5/28/2018 (wreckfest)
132. "Yea I think so, forgot what I programmed" Jan 5/28/2018
133. "stop fisting around and hit him with the van" ShadowDragon72 6/4/2018 (MSC)
135. "I have a hat" -Dope 06/06/2018
136. flugger farver
137. "can you shoot marshmallows into my mouth pls thx" fresnay 6/12/2018
138. "beerrewry?" Dope 6/19/2018
139. "I suck at this game" Dope 7/1/18 (minecraft)
141. "caught that dog mid lick" dope 7/3/2018
142. "banana cream goo stuff" dope
143. "The dc pc dc to ac dc to zc yc so that the rc can fc to the sc" Deathdragon58 7/9/2018
144. "How much reese could a freezer freeze if a freezer could freeze reese" Akkip 7/9/2018
145. "hey piggy piggy pig pig" Dope (minecraft)
146. "Zombabwe" jan 7/15/2018
147. "Sometimes I want pizza. Other times I sleep." -MrAngryDucky July 16th 2018
148. "at least the murder makes it fun" Dope 7/23/2018
149. "Every fast car with pancakes for brakes is fun" MrAngryDucky 7/25/2018
151. "Where's that dog's anchor? Doesn't this town have laws?" - LoadGoat 8/15/18 GeoGuessr
152. "i kould go use my phone for the shat" Sawceboss76 8/24/18
153. "Oh, they're sucking on me again." Dopenessmonster August 31st 2018
154. "driveway seasoned moose meat"
155. "I'm like Johnny Appleseed, but with beer" Dope 9/7/2018
156. "the ice cream is irrational, you cannot reason with it " Jan 2018
157. "I don't really know how to draw" -Dope 09-04-18
158. "These are the conversations folks" - Dope 09-14-18
159. "boss makes a dollar i make a dime thats why i poop on company time" Thp777
160. "belligerent waffle connoisseurs?"
161. "I'll add weird stuff later Keepo " Jan 2018
162. "If it smells like chicken, you're doing it wrong" Uzrnaim 9/25/18
163. "Get hit in the face with some Fobbles" -Dope 9/30/2018
164. "zombie kids for christmas" dope /
165. "Tentacle ceiling monster poop" - Dope 10/10/18
166. "I'm fighting him with a potato! Not recommended" Dope 11/2/2018 minecraft
167. "taking a screenshot and putting this in my suspicious doopdoopbot folder" N4SR64 11/5/2018
168. "its like a booger enema" N4SR64 11/5/2018
169. "Stupid, stupid squid" Dope 11/11/2018
170. "The first time you play MC is like the first time you get a good quality can opener. Every thing is great, but no matter how hard you try, you can never get that first time feeling of using a decent can opener." - Tim_NZ 11/13/2018
171. "those australian panda things" - Tim_NZ 11/13/18
172. "I really wish this knob situation was a little more responsive" Dope 11/20/2018
173. "These people must have been to the color store." -Dopenessmonster Nov 11th 2018
174. "Potato Technology"
175. "tastes like a cliffbar, but with less nasty-ness" - Dope 11/28/18
176. "His man bag is very purse-like" Beer 11/29/2018
177. Tractor Rockets
178. "I think there is plenty popular dongs that are more than just a beat and repeating the smae words" - Beerisyum 12/3/2018
179. "make sure everyone knows how much of a fool I am" - Beerisyum 12/3/2018
180. "Yeah it shows twitch viewers the benefit of subscribing. Gets them addicted, and then you start using real money." podcastage 12/7/2018
181. "lumpy butter WutFace" Jan 12/11/2018
182. "I'm pretty sure that snowman was happy before I hit it." Dope 2018
183. "it seems like a bit of a turd out of the hole" dope 12/17/2018 FH4
184. "Welcome backa to the dope snacka" Tim bot 12/19/1018
185. "I've set it to lettuces mode" Dope 12/20/2018
186. "was that the one with the exploding toilet?" dope
187. "doughnuts are unhealthy" wikipedia 2018
188. "meat doughnut? are you crazy?" Dope 12/27/2018
189. "you gave him (doopdoopbot) attention, he's your problem now" Dope 1/4/2019
190. "There was a while I couldn't figure out what a cow was" -Dope 1/7/2019
191. "Ah, controller got stuck in my pocket" Dope 2/5/2019 beatsaber
192. "That is an ugly ass kitten, lol" Dope
193. "fish don't have sex in your urine, they do in the lake" Tim NZ 2/9/2019
194. "that plant is fielded" dope 2/11/2019
195. "we hit the spam limit!" chat 2/12/19
196. "Not extreme yodeling please" Dope 2/15/2019
197. "Tim's great - Dope 2019"
198. "wow these trees are noisy" Dope 2/29/2019
199. "Pizzaria Donky"
200. "pocket nugget" - Dope 3/10/19
201. "cuda, cuda, cuda, cuda, cuda, cuda, cuda, cuda, cuda, cuda, cuda, cuda, cuda, cuda, cuda, cuda, cuda, cuda, cuda, cuda" TheIdestbro
202. "Wheelchair science dude" Dope trying to remember Steven Hawking
203. "Just a lil dude running around in the world, tampering with alien tech and shouting 'woo'" Monomanokit 3/18/2019
204. "Which way is your body even, I don't know" Dope 3/19/2019
205. "manatee giraffes" Phorander 3/28/2019
206. I think I know what that was talking about -Dopenessmonster March 29th 2019
207. "Okay I think the general consensus is easter hasn't happened" wareric11 4/9/2019
208. What is the current moon situation
209. "but first we should pray to the zebra ball" - Dope Astroneer 4/21/2019
210. 2 emeralds for a tree sapling, he’s out of his mind” Dope 4/28/2019
211. "I can not find cow" Dope May 2019 -Minecraft
212. "well what if it's a consensual cow pile" Dope 5/6/2019
213. hotdog pasta nunchucks
214. "A cat just flew behind me" melissa_we 6/22/2019
215. "whoa whoa whoa, I paid good money to watch this train wreck happen." ccrusher1 6*22*2019 Pacca Plus
216. "when I take over the world, after banning the Toyota Camry I'm going to make it illegal to put chicken on a pizza" Tim NZ
218. "OOOOOOOHHHH fuck me up with some spaghetti" -paintbrushpuke 7/24/19
219. "The tractor on the roof was the easy part"
220. "GeoGuessr probably the best!" Badly coded bot 8/1/2019
221. "fire safety is for squares" Uzrnaim 8/2/2019
222. "If my boss ate my sandwich, I'd fire him" Helion102 8/2/2019
223. "When in doubt, go meta SeemsGood " _Cartoonwolf aka Jan 8/7/19
224. "wumpsa" -- Dope 8/12/19
225. "sounds like it was recorded in a bathtub in space" Dope 8/12/2019
226. "why are these knobs green" Dope 8/15/2019
227. "lots of butt time in the harvester today" - Dope 8/21/19
228. "feedforneedspeeds" Dope
229. "Something about sucking on wolf titties" Beerisyum 8/24/2019
230. "Dennis Supreme Potato Supplies"
231. "Fishcotheque"
232. "Does a donkey count as a Cul de Sac?" Mellissa_WE 8/24/2019
233. "Wait, wheres my farm" Dope 8/26/2019
234. Utah does not equal Youtube
235. "I ate too many chicken nuggets and passed out on the couch" dope 8/30/2019
236. "punch out, come home, dinosaurs!" dope 9/9/2019
237. "Your wife got around the pole." -Dopenessmonster September 13th 2019(yes it's a friday)
239. "is this the potato explosion we've been waiting for" jan 9/17/209
240. "add chicken"
241. "A watched boil never pops" -beerisyum 9/23/19
242. "seating capacity: 4 persons or 8 clowns" Jan 10/11/2019
244. "I lost my peanut butter dopeneRee" THP777 10/19/2019
245. "I thought your skin was on backwards" Dope 10/19/2019 (MC)
246. "FÜGE KERT"
247. cobble cube™
248. Portable Cupcake
249. "Aww, I want a psychologist to call me multifaceted and dynamic" -Helion102 11/15/2019
250. "I rated Tim/Tim" -MrAngryDucky 11/15/2019
251. "I feel late at night my brain is not my own" Dope 11/21/2019
252. "words" noun. def. - Arbitrary sounds falling out of ones face
253. "whats the melting point of a lion" dope 11/21/2019
254. "now that fridge seems kind of enormous" Dope 11/25/19
255. I have an enormous load right now. Dopenessmonster Nov 29th 2019
256. "disregard labels, enjoy music" dope 12/2/2019
257. "4-inch thousand island seafood pizza is the weirdest euphemism for penis I've seen" miunau 12/3/19
258. "zamboanga"
259. "uh hotel de police? thats a jail!" dope 12/4/2019
260. "which side of the drive do they road on" dope
261. "Have you tried laying on the couch and not moving for hours at a time?" Tim NZ
262. "recursive bags!" dope lego
263. Baked Glute ham
264. neeps
265. Pro Toast
266. "Ya gotta have support to contain the beast" Beerisyum
267. "I don't thing I have the body type for a thong"
268. "My comic genius is wasted on you" Tim NZ
269. "The program detected an incoherence of internal state" - Paintool SAI 2020
270. interpolate
271. pioneer of knife intelligence
272. "it sounds like a chihuahua murdering a baby" -Me 2020
273. *audible thud*, OWW , I hit my desk! - Rec Room, THE Dopeness Monster Esq 2020
274. "I didn't see that coming until it was right in my face." -Dopenessmonster Feb 07 2020
275. "That was so tight!" -Dopenessmonster Feb 08 2020
276. "Doop alone can not contain the Tim"
277. "NOT A PEUGEOT" MelissaE34
278. "Nice quote." -Dopenessmonster 02/11/2020
279. "jello is wiggly and thus superior" mono
280. "My grandfather had an immense hatred of silent letters. And the French." TimNZ
281. "This is going to be a little sloppy at first." -Dopenessmonster 02/14/2020
282. "My owl just hooted" - Dope 2/21/2020
283. "I fucking hate llamas" Tim 2/21/2020
284. "I just pointed at that by the way" Dope
285. "it picks up the sound of my vibrator." -Dopenessmonster
286. "I made shears! I'm an idiot" Dope 2/23/2020
287. "God dammit, the cats are trying to eat the millennium falcon." Flamers1500 3/4/2020
288. "facefood"
289. "I read that as 'Am I going to die in a sphincter?'" -Dopenessmonster March 9th 2020
290. "That's quite a unit!" -Dopenessmonster March 17th 2020
291. "fox in sox in box with ox" LuckyShark 3/20/20
292. "functionaly bread"
293. "I'm just always peandathashed off at Dope" Mercuri 3/31/2020
294. "water squeakener"
295. "zdsfrhbfxgdjnfxgomcvmh"
296. "a cool taco with beef, fish, extra cheese, chicken and carnitas" the land sea air and dirt taco - InaliTsusasi 4/16/2020
297. "whoever did this can map my beats anyday" Dope 4/16/2020
298. "Why calm when you can clam?" TimNZ
299. "you don't need to wash your jeans unless they smell of butt" Mr Copper 4/17/2020
300. "I'm a curd sack, thank you very much" ZeroMercuri
301. "She's a good running little unit." -Dopenessmonster April 19th 2020
302. "sporklift" Dope 4/20/20
303. "I can't imagine old Medieval-era art giving anyone a boner LUL " -Jan April 21st 2020
304. NO NOODLING dopeneRee
305. entry added
306. "My body's not ready" - Dope April 24th 2020
307. "blump"
308. "going to sleep...."
309. "Peeing in the toilet? Weird" MelissaE34
310. "It's a joke Brian just laugh" -Beerisyum May 7th 2020
311. "Oh, I see." -Dopenessmonster in response to a very funny Simpsons clip May 8th 2020
312. "big pile of rubbery goo" Dope might be high 5/9/2020
313. "I mean, I know Greece exists." -Dopenessmonster May 19th 2020
314. moistchigan
315. "If you fart into a fan, does that make the fan a farticle accelerator?" Tim_NZ
316. "Doop's Secret Ingredients"
317. "lurker borger place" dope 5/28/20
318. "That was amazing, but it sucked" Dope 5/28/2020 Wreckfest
319. Haggis Smasher
320. "old american shitbox central" Dope 5/29/2020
321. " this is a spectacularly confusing place" LuckyShark 5/29/2020 Geoguessr
322. "Boys wax" -Dopenessmonster June 5th 2020
324. "Flames? Fuck yeah!" -ShadowDragon June 5th 2020
325. "Maybe I'm a dick" - Dopenessmonster June 6th 2020
326. "Wood is so soft and forgiving so it's easy and satisfying" -Melissa June 9th 2020
327. "'I'm milking doops' - Dope 2020" Tim_NZ 2020
328. "I wonder how many coffee I eat a day" Tim_NZ 2020
329. "Your showroom has woodpeckers" Dope 6/12/2020
330. "a pain in the bass" -Dope 6/15/2020
331. "I just turned that chicken in to junk" Dope 6/16/2020
332. "had a russian accent to their gibberish" Dope 6/16/2020
333. "Pre-nugget chickens"
334. "that car just wang'd me" Dope 6/24/2020
335. "Feed system: Port electronically" 7/1/2020
336. "might just need to have to" Dope
337. "now that fridge seems kind of ominous" dope misreading a quote 7/3/2020
338. "put fireworks in a toaster" jan 7/8/2020
339. "I wish it was longer!" -Dopenessmonster July 10th 2020
340. "lol" -Melissa July 10th 2020
341. "Not a fan of stuff hitting my eyeballs" -Melissa July 10th 2020
342. "When you ask a dude if he can move his dick" -Melissa July 10th 2020
343. "I'd like to know the boob-to-profit conversion rate" Jan 7/15/2020
344. "We're just going to have to fiddle with it all day." -Dopenessmonster July 18th 2020
345. "I've got a big nozzle!" -Dopenessmonster July 18th 2020
346. "I don't know much about cows" -- Dope 7/20/20
347. "barf barf"
348. "delighting you always"
349. "You just get pounded on from all sides" -Dopenessmonster August 19th 2020
350. "Stratusphincter"
351. "I was just cracked out on orange juice" --Dope 9/2/20
352. "I like dark meat." - Maggotcheese September 8th 2020
353. "Spotify Premium Spotify Premium Spotify Premium Spotify Premium Spotify Premium Spotify Premium Spotify Premium Spotify Premium Spotify Premium Spotify Premium Spotify Premium Spotify Premium Spotify Premium Spotify Premium Spotify Premium" -The song scroller 9/25/20
354. "country was founded on giving people the middle finger" dope 9/29/2020
355. "and now I'm dragging a firetruck backwards" Dope 9/30/2020 (trucking sim)
356. "I dont know what Pokemon smell like" Dope 10/3/2020
357. "It's a tight one." -Dopenessmonster October 6th 2020
358. "horse race course jumpy things" Dope 10/6/2020
359. "I still don't understand, but I appreciate the colours" Tim_NZ 10/2/2020
360. "Ehh, they've got guns but what are they gonna do?" -Dopenessmonster October 12th 2020
361. "What if we squish it, squash it, twist it around?" -Dopenessmonster October 13th 2020
362. "It's up to us whether we want to date them" -Cartoonwolf
363. Flamers1500: !quote add "Thats a lot of poop" Dope - 16/10/20
364. "well how do know which way a lava lamp is facing" Dope 10/18/2020
365. "what part of a beaver are you sniffing that smells like strawberries?" - Tim_NZ 10/21/2020
366. "I don't think I ever had pants on tonight" Dope 2020
367. "i havent had pants in a long time" Dope 10/27/2020
368. "that's 16,000 cheese-inches!" LuckyShark 10/31/2020
370. "we had to keep my grandpa out of grandmas banana pudding" -zelariadragonborn November 13th 2020
371. "What's the sponsor of this video? Xanax?" -Dopenessmonster November 13th 2020
372. "Uh, erectile dysfunction?" -Dopenessmonster November 21st 2020
373. 'whats up with rhubarb" Dope 11/23/2020
374. "We deleted one of our IT guys." -Dopenessmonster December 8th 2020
375. "that's some funky water guys, I bet they pooped in it" Dope 12/9/2020
376. "Dope's character looks like someone who sells snake oil near tourist areas in Rome" Melissa 12/19/2020
377. "bolb"
378. "sment"
379. "Natural Floating Penis Island" Dope 12/25/2020
380. "Holy crap, it's huge!" -Dopenessmonster December 26th 2020
381. "Oh no. We'll never remember what that had anything to do with." -Dopenessmonster December 26th 2020
382. "Hike up those poop filled britches." -Dopenessmonster December 26th 2020
383. "Optional popcorn deflector"
384. moyobamba
385. "skumplastspesialisten"
386. "Oloitokitok"
387. "I gotta remember to do things." -Dopenessmonster January 11th 2021
388. "I think I probably need to never do anything." -Dopenessmonster January 13th 2021
389. "Jeez my connection is still garbabge :( " - wareric11 January 13th 2021
390. "Input Wizard"
391. "That stop sign says stop." -Dopenessmonster January 18th 2021
392. "It's all fun and games until one of the snowballs is a grenade." imgur Comment
393. "This is the Waffle House of Twitch" - Dope 1/27/21
394. vwoop!
395. "everything is okay"
396. "I've never personally owned a computer..." -Dopenessmonster 2nd of February 2021
397. "beerisyum used: /add_permitted_term very german lesbian." -Automod 13th February 2021
398. "Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines"
399. "I've blown longer streaks" -Dopnessmonster March 15th 2021
400. "I can knock out a few short ones on 2x" - Beer 2021
401. "I don't know about climates and stuff." -Dopenessmonster 24th March 2021
402. "Just chill yourself." -Dopenessmonster 27th March 2021
403. "This has a bar, and this has the balls on" - Dopene 2021 -Tim
406. "What about if I am a potato?" -Flamers1500 5/18/21
407. "doop\doopbot\doopbot"
408. "spiraling out of control is my specialty" beerisyum
410. "I got new socks" beerisyum
411. " uoos ƃuᴉɯɯoɔ"
412. ""
413. "That's a BIG DOG! Holycrap!" - Dope 6/15/21
414. "Happiness is not a warm toilet seat" -Dope 6/21/21
415. "unable to parse the PostScript"
416. "Further Microwave Burger Investigations"
417. "I can smell you"
418. "beep beep lettuce"
419. " We are now Queer Eye for the Beer guy" Jan 8/1/2021
420. Dope
422. "the trees look stupid" Dope 8/16/2021
423. "there should be 2 or 3 train genders -Dope 2021"
424. "TWINGO SINGULARITY" Dope 8/25/2021
425. "ceiling poop?"
426. "guess I'm gay now" Tim 9/8/2021
427. "They're physically gorgeous but the people are chaotic. There would be a car in the sand, a dude selling questionable sandwiches shouting way too loud, a person yelling at their kid and a LOT less clothing" -Melissa 10/6/21
428. "Goat!"
429. "My dad purchases lube in bulk" -Tim Eighth Day of the Tenth Month of the Two Thousand Twenty First Year of Our Lord
430. "yes tim? Have you done something... bad?" dope 7/30/2022
431. "Are you aware of humans?" CalissaSquid 2022
432. "windows xp ass lawn" -Muinau
433. "My place smells like some kinda sausage" Dope
434. "GORT"
435. I just like to shoot everything all the time -Dope 9/28/2022
436. "Quite frankly I don't intend to fix it" mono 9/28/2022
437. "noozle"
438. "I swear it was the cows" Dope 10/4/2022
439. "I can't believe I deleted the stools!" -Dope 10/05/2022
440. " I am not sure it is a good idea to hang your hopes on the questionable code of a questionable italian developer" -LuckyShark '22
441. "penis" -Tim 2022
442. "Tim said penis" -Dope 2022
443. "oh its the hole bread!" -ClassicalBlueTooth 10/26/22
444. "I would polish that wiener" -Dopenessmonster October 29th 2022
445. "garbage"
446. "tim is like a fart in the wind, stinky, but elusive" -Tim_NZ 11/2/2022
447. "where are my glue sticks" Mono 11/14/2022
448. "beer is eating the glue" - catboyking 11/19/22
449. "you don't want soggy pepperonis" -Dope 11/19/2022
450. "the only thing keeping me grounded is banana bread" standardrobot 11/19/2022
451. "Lesser of two weevils" - Dope 11/22/22
452. "Pinch and decompress the comfortable duck"
453. "pants are tweaking out" -Dope 11/29/22
454. "this one just makes me itchy" dope 12/7/2022
455. "ooooooh, I turned the sun off" dope 12/7/2022
456. "I am 99.9% sure it is trunk lid gnomes" wareric11
457. "m,.bb" dope makes keyboard noises
458. "is there any penalty to just peeing on whatever" dope
459. "is that a tiny island? no it's a chicken" Dope 12/20/2022 Minecraft
460. "suddenly theres pie in my pocket" Dope 01/03/2023
461. Where was Mussolini from? -Dopenessmonster 1/13/23
462. "I've never been this high" - Dope 13/1/2023
463. "the amount of andesite in your hole is insane." anubis amethyst 1/14/2023
464. "forbidden farts are also bad" tim 1/16/2023
465. "Weirdos, gearheads, 3D artists and Australians" mono 1/18/2023
467. "yada yada fuckin MMRRRRRR" dope 1/25/2023
468. "Candwich: It's not that bad"
469. "shut up bob, nobody likes you, not even your villagers" raptorscream 2015
470. Make Lichigan -Dope 2/4 2023
471. "kale? like the garbage lettuce?" Dope 2/6/2023
472. "Why does it get more broken as I touch it?"- Dope 02 2023
473. Wallbert
474. "Screw the hole!" Dopenessmonster 3/10/2023
475. "Imagine how good it would be if it wasn't bad" Tim 3/24/2023
477. DOOPP
478. "little fluffy cows"
479. "I'm waiting for goiters to come back because everyone stopped using iodized salt" berrisyum 5/19/2023
480. "They could be the people in her armpit" - Dope May 2023
481. " don't want to give my computer mouse a bj to get it to work" Beerisyum 5/31/2023
482. cat detected
483. "Strange" -Dopenessmonster 06/09/2023
484. "Someday this Discord will be used in a case to prove that some terrible thing wasn’t my fault because I clearly needed supervision." Dope 2023
485. "Hmm, did I finish that last delivery, or did I just quit and leave the truck in the middle of the street?" Dope 6/13/2023
486. It's all a bit white for me -Dopeness monster 6/16/23
487. You could do drop gravity assisted dumps -Tim 6/16/23
488. "bifurcated pillows"
489. "could have had more butt sex though" catboy 6/16/2023
490. "dumb stupid cars" Dope 6/20/2023 (ATS)
491. "possibly dildos" Beer 6/23/2023
492. "You've seen mine" -Dopenessmonster 6/24/23
493. "I kinda want to see these rainbow cummins" -Dopenessmonster 7/1/23
494. "fuck that vent" dope 7/10/2023
495. "oops wrong game" Ccrusher 7/16/2023
496. "fuck" TimNZ 2023
497. "im so tired of brains being so dumb" Dope 7/26/2023
498. " I don't want to see the talentless gyrations of some basic hoes ass." mono 7/31/2023
499. "Velveta grade screws" Dope 8/12/2023
500. "how do you measure door" dope 8/14/2023
501. "I spell good" beerisyum 8/16/2023
502. "I have compuserve disks" Jan 8*15/2023
503. "I have compuserve disks" Jan 8/15/2023
504. "cocaine? ALL the cocaine" Dope 8/19/2023 (Narrator - It was fertilizer)
505. "spilament fool" - Dope 2023
506. "i rebuilt my own watch and I still dont understand time" Dope 8/22/2023
507. "ducky pocketulator" dope 8/25/2023
508. "This radio is slightly sticky :c" mono 9/2/2023
509. "crumbled eggs" -Anymal104 Sept 2, '23
510. "I got an angle grinder under the bed" classicalbluetooth 9/12/2023
511. "Screw them animals I'll square up" mono 9/12/2023
512. [Banjo Solo]
513. "Math is stupid and boring and useless" -Dopenessmonster 9/20/2023
514. "Neuroplasticity is at its max!" -Dopenessmonster 9/20/2023
515. [bongo interlude]
516. "She was pretty excited when I was doing it." -Dopenessmonster 9/25/2023
517. "Oh gross" Dope
518. "Submarines are cool until they implode" THP777 9/26/2023
519. "I'll wave my wand around" -THP777 9/26/2023
520. onion
521. "the earth is stupid" Dope 2023
522. "I have rock snot again" Tim 10/10/2023
523. "Opeth is the tits"
524. "wait, which way is up" Dope 2023
525. "I dont like doors" Dope 2023
526. "Don't put arrows in your waazoo" - Dope 2023
527. "I'd throw items at people from that roof" Mono 11/3/2023
528. "I forget Rhode Island exists" tach_1le 11/10/2023
529. PLAMO!
530. "and yet Toledo is still in Ohio" tach_1le 11/17/2023
531. "you see a tree? thats it" Dope 11/20/2023
532. they're in their sarcophagus, recharging for the next day
533. "Fuck Johnny Cash, he's still dead isn;t he?" Dope 11/24/2023
534. "speaker is currently more waterproof than the boat" Thp777 11/24/2023
535. "princ&@al" Farming Sim word filter
536. "Tim" Tim 2023
537. "dude, I'm always flooring it" Dope 12/1/2023 ATS
538. "ooo, rocks!" Dope 12/2/2023 FS22
539. "Bro just show your hands!" -whiskey67890 12/06/2023
540. "Just be not." -Dopenessmonster 12/06/2023
541. "Saturn dot jpeg"
542. "yo.. nice shaft" Dope 12/13/2023
543. "Why isn't it sorted by races?" -ShadowDragon 12/23/2023
544. "Did you just get sucked off?" -TimNZ 12/23/2023
545. "where am I, what am I doing" Dope 1/20/2024
546. "Science is gross! Brian 2024." -Dopenessmonster January 22nd 2024
547. "I had gas station cheese and crackers, now my stomach hurts " Tim 2/1/2024
548. "if the poop put it out, then the poop put it out" Mono 2/8/2024
549. "nope adhd" Thp777 2/13/2024
550. "Professioanl"
551. "oh, oops" Dope
552. "what did i do to these tubes!?" Dope 2024
553. "gonna revoke somebody's oxygen license" Dope 2/27/2024
554. "You can observe how much gross is coming out" Mono 3/2/2024
555. "trail mix? it can fuck straight off" Dope 3/9/2024
556. "The TTS lady is my waifu" - Dope 3/11/2024
557. "youtube is stupid, let's never go there again" 3/19/2024
558. "I've made a massive bale sausage, and I don't know what to do" Tim 3/23/2024
559. "I think somethings wrong with it" Dope
560. "we used to blow up cow poos with firecrackers" Tim
561. "there is car all over my desk" Dope
562. "Droopy butts" - Dope 4/4/2024
566. "farts" Tim 4/13/2024
567. Bebopaloobopawopshamboo
568. "what are they gonna do, stop me? i have a tractor!" Dope 4/15/2024
569. "I hit the heater limit of the new heater" barelyimpressive 4/16/2024
570. "my breakfast is a whole fried chicken"
571. "it was really a waste of time" Dope 4/27/2024
572. "am I quoting Huey Lewis and the fucking News?" Dope 4/27/2024
573. "i think doop might be more sentient than I am" Dope
574. "I don't think I can do what I'm trying to do" Dope 5/16/2024